>Well we are back in Colorado for one last year woohoo. We had a lot of fun hanging out with my family this last month. I love my family so much thanks Mom and Dad for giving us a place to live and food to eat you guys are the best. I could just hang out with my mom all day and be happy she is one awesome mom and lots of fun. Not to many moms take their little girl and boy out in their car and shoot prairie dogs. Even though they never wanted me to shoot i did kill one prairie dog it was awesome. We also got to see Porter and Domini and the little baby Mallory she is so cute and so tiny. I don't think i could ever take care of something that small. haha It's fun to see Porter be a dad and i have to say he is a pretty good one kind of a surprise haha jk He put up with me he can handle anything. Next we got to go and see Kase Carter Caldwell my brother Montys boy and he was alot bigger then Mallory i was not so scared to hold him but still a little scared. We also got to hang out with Krew and Reagan. They are awesome kids and i miss them so much. When i was at EA i got to play with them everyday so it was good to see them and play with them. Krew also became my little buddy and even stayed the night with us. That was a surprise to us all. Last Strattons parents took us to Mexico that was alot of fun. I have alot of pics of Mexico thanks to Strattons mom.
were big and the tide was way up and
we could not go in the ocean.
sunday we went to church and then went to the
catholic cathedrals.
This was my favorite place we ate the food was awesome
and they Mexicans did some cool dances.
Look at my sexy Husband and cool brother in Law
Playing some beach volleyball